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elan, musician from slovakia. Saturday, 20th May 2006, 17:31


encore, adlib-wizard from Sweden. Friday, 19th May 2006, 19:40

Hmm, I noticed "We currently offer NO support for MAC, WinNT or DOS". I wonder if that complicates things or not. Oh, probably not, since it's the USB-part they're talking about. Oh well, if you buy it, a status report would surely be nice. :)

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Wednesday, 17th May 2006, 12:05

elan> What is the price of this babe? It's kinda obscurely shown at the page, so I don't know what is it exactly. $129 (US)?? Pretty much, IMHO :( Anyway, if really working, it's still worthy ;) If you are also interested in ordering this, write me to my email so we could think about some mailing fee discount!
[Mozes kludne pisat po slovensky... :-]

elan, musician from slovakia. Monday, 15th May 2006, 20:07


elan, musician from slovakia. Monday, 15th May 2006, 20:07

Check this out.Very stupid price but cool device!!! ISA->USB reduction!!!
Trackers need OPL3 USB SOUNDCARD and windows/LINUX opl3 tracker...

subz3ro, another visitor from Slovakia. Saturday, 13th May 2006, 16:42

nim> Nah, I wish I could... but this ain't one of those "easy to get in music stores", and indeed the mailing fee would easily surmount the price of CD itself :'-/

nim, musician from Sweden. Thursday, 11th May 2006, 11:01

if you are also fm-vgm-nerd check out this album!
for shinji hosoe fm-music check out arcade or x68000 sound-rips of dragon saber and dragon spirit (great)

yew, musician from Finland. Sunday, 23rd April 2006, 10:19

OPL :'-)

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Friday, 21st April 2006, 10:02

To Moogle!> SW emulation makes clearly audible difference to what is supposed to be heard from OPL2/OPL3. Just take one of the more 'chippy' tunes (let's say, "Ben\fm63b_rv.a2m" makes use of most chip effects) and play it both on regular OPL-chip card and the AOpen AW320, so you can say if there's any difference ;)

Moogle!, listener from US. Tuesday, 18th April 2006, 16:45

I have found another PCI soundcard capable of running ADTRACKERII, an AOpen AW320. Not sure if it's FM section is built into the chip or emulated, but it works either way in Windows 98 with the AOpen drivers. Ver 2883.

Will check 2K some other time. :p

Simon, another visitor from Sweden. Tuesday, 18th April 2006, 14:36

i just noticed the supplied app ADT2PLAY and it worked without problems, as long as i didnt use the "/gfx" parameter... so i tried configuring ADTRACK2.INI to "screen_mode=3" and "comp_text_mode=0" (textmode 80x25) and the tracker also worked! :-D ...sorry about last post

Simon, another visitor from Sweden. Tuesday, 18th April 2006, 14:19

does anyone know if "adlib_port=0" is an okay config for the ADTRACK2.INI file if i run AT2 in dosbox? ...cant find any parameters in dosbox for deciding the adlib port.
when i start adlibtracker2 in dosbox the keyboard dies and only the mouse is working for scrolling the screen so perhaps its the emulated adlib hardware causing this...
thanks in advance if some1 answers

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Friday, 14th April 2006, 15:01

(like following)

cpu_saving=10 ; use lower number for your dual-core monsters, or higher number for slower machines

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Friday, 14th April 2006, 14:56

Yo folks!
Just wanna let you know about new version of DOSBox (for those "unlucky" of you, who have no chance to run AdT2 on real target :) available here: http://dosbox.sourceforge.net
This version resolves some nasty bugs (if we are talking about AdT2, especially the keyboard flag lockups with Ctrl, Alt and Shift keys ;) so it's probably worthy of download.
(somehow like following)

cycles=10000 # for faster machines, be dare to use 15000 for more accurate timings



encore, adlib-wizard from Sweden. Monday, 13th March 2006, 15:39

Thank you messageboard typers! ;) It's really nice to see your support and also read about the different technical solutions that are actually available. I had never heard of SB-Link before.

I've actually tried the ESS-Solo, as it's builtin on the motherboard on my mother's Acer-PC ("Acerpower S-Series" as it says on the front of it), and my first impression of it was that it sounded very true to the OPL3 on a genuine Sound Blaster. However, playing my "The Absence of Julia" track on it made me realize that the PWM-stuff (on the bassline) isn't perfectly represented as it should be. Maybe some FM-combinations aren't sounding exactly as the OPL3 does? On the other hand, in other matters/tracks, I couldn't hear much difference, if any. So you could go much worse than finding an computer with ESS-Solo, in my opinion.

psy_ill, opl3-geek from Sweden. Thursday, 9th March 2006, 18:39

Thanks for the new version of this great tracker! It doesn't crash anymore when I'm running it under win98... :)

Your tracker and FT2 is the only reason I still have an old computer running ms winblows/dos, my main machine runs Gentoo Linux of course.

I run AdlibTracker II on a machine with SB AWE64 PnP, which is an ISA card, and I have never had the possibility to test this thesis, but I think there is at least one good PCI card capable of meeting AT2:s every need; the SB AWE64D, probably hard to get, but I'm hunting for one - my modern, main machine has no ISA slots.

Btw, does someone have information on AST, the tracker for AWE cards? I found the site of the maker, http://www.jamram.de, but the links are broken. I tried to mail the author, but I never got any response. :(

Matej, musician from Slovakia. Wednesday, 8th March 2006, 12:36

Try PHC.sk for batteries :)

nim, musician from Sweden. Sunday, 5th March 2006, 23:56

I third, I have a Toshiba (dynabook) Portege 3000CT with OPL3-SAx (might that be 3?)
I had problems getting any sound but windows designated opl-midisynth to output through opl3 but it worked when I tried playing through it in dos.
Ironically just when adlibtracker.net revived and I had been trying at2 out for a while the harddrive lost half of it's data and when I unscrewed the casing I ground down the screws x¨0 gonna try something.
the portege 3000CT is a great buy and works with impulse tracker and many other dos-ware from windows dos-prompt and 3rd-party batteries are sold on ebay :¨3
and oh the keyboard layout (with numpad keys) is so perfectly layed out and it's so thin and sexy.. I've slept with it on several occasions.

Matej, musician from Slovakia. Saturday, 4th March 2006, 21:04

Yes yes Toshiba Satelite 220CS with opl3-X inside...

Dexx, listener from Netherlands. Friday, 3rd March 2006, 11:32

this program is great :D
here is a Sound IC list that have an OPL3 chip inside ;)

the ONLY PCI chipset i know that has an OPL3 synthesizer was from ESS called ESS Solo
and yamaha got it too.. these chips got it YMF724, YMF740, YMF744, YMF754

i use a Toshiba Satelite Pro 460CDT for playing FM tunes :)
got this onboard: OPL3-SA3, worx great.

adlibber, another visitor from UK. Wednesday, 1st March 2006, 23:23

Probably nobody read it, but anyway I have a correction to make to my post below. Official response from Cirrus Logic to my enquiries about the CS4237:
"This is not a Cirrus board but made by a third party using the Cirrus and Yamaha chips" - hence throwing into doubt my assertion that it's a soundcard-on-a-single-IC, but conflicting with info contained in the released datasheet:
I wouldn't be surprised if it contained a clone of the circuit inside the genuine OPL3. Sounds OK.

adlibber, another visitor from UK. Tuesday, 28th February 2006, 22:17

Very nice program. I use RADTracker to make OPL2 music.
CS4237B chip is very common in many slightly-obsolete notebooks/laptops made by various manufacturers. It's a soundcard-on-a-chip, advertised as OPL2 and OPL3 compatible. I tried it out with AdT2. It does work properly.

Matej, musician from Slovakia/Europe. Saturday, 25th February 2006, 11:56

Very nice website.Good work.POKEY AND OP3/2 RULES...

Da!NyL, opl3-geek from Germany. Friday, 24th February 2006, 13:54

Hi Snu!
Which driver do you have installed? Creative-Labs?
I don't have any experience with the Audigy2
(proud AWE32&ESS1688 owner - both used for LLSID development)
but you could try to install these Yamaha drivers:

Snu, musician from USA. Thursday, 23rd February 2006, 0:20

im running xp pro sp2.
unfortunately, i wasnt able to find much info on the chip either, thats why i asked here :)
i tried unplugging my audigy2 and no change in the behavior... so its not a conflict.
it seems that old games cant access the fm synth directly, only if i set the default midi output in windows to it, and route the game's midi output through that...
so this leads me to believe that yamaha never implemented direct access to the fm chip in the drivers, which sucks. or maybe its an xp issue, i know xp doesnt like programs directly accessing the hardware.
'tis a pitty...
i guess ill have to try getting an old pentium 2 box up and running with a sb16, oh well.
thanks for the help anyway, if anything else comes to mind, please let me know.

encore, adlib-wizard from Sweden. Tuesday, 21st February 2006, 20:03

Snu: What OS are you running? If Win98/ME, have you tried both inside Win and DOS-prompt? I've tried googling after more info on both "yamaha ds1" and "ymf724e-v" but there's very little hands-on info to find about it, so it's hard to say what the problem is. The card seems quite unsupported.

I don't have any experience with the Audigy-cards but the drivers for the Live!-cards included software emulation (which is quite lofi in terms of frequencyrate) of "SB16" in DOS. If they're also included with the Audigy/2-cards there could possibly be a conflict, but I guess you should have heard *something* in AT2 atleast.

Do you get any Adlib-sound with other DOS-stuff (f.ex. old games like Commander Keen 4/Wolfenstein 3D)?

Snu, musician from USA. Monday, 20th February 2006, 23:57

encore: i have tried several ports in the ini file. device manager lists the port range for the soundcard as 220-22f, 330-331, and 388-38b, setting the port to a specific number in this range simply causes no sound to come out, tho adlibtracker starts up fine. i wasnt sure if the opl chip itself uses a specific port in this range, or if just the soundcard's range would work?
strangely enough yesterday it was giving me that error message when i set it to some ports, but it doesnt seem to be today...
i cant get adplug to detect it either, even with installing the porttalk driver.
i guess this pretty much means that the chip is too different and isnt supported then?

encore, adlib-wizard from Sweden. Monday, 20th February 2006, 23:16

Snu: Can you find out what port-number the OPL-chip is located at? I'm not familiar with the card (though it sounds interesting), but you could f.ex. check it in Windows, in the Device Manager, by what ports the soundcard is occupying. Normally, the OPL3 uses port 0388-38B (hexadecimal) for the OPL3. Also, try editing the "adtrack2.ini" file, at the end, to "adlib_port=388" under the troubleshooting-section (read the manual for more info on this). Good luck! :)

Snu, musician from USA. Monday, 20th February 2006, 2:39

looks like a great program, i have long been a fan of fm synth, and would love to write a song or two with it,
...if i can get it working... i would very much appreciate if anyone can help.
it seems there may be a possibility of running this program on newer hardware - i recently got my hands on a yamaha ds1 soundcard, it has opl-based fm synthesis (uses the ymf724e-v chip) on a pci connection...
sounds great when playing old midis, but unfortunately adlibtracker doesnt seem to work with it. im not entirely sure if this is due to having two soundcards (the other is an audigy2), or because the chip isnt supported properly.
on starting adlibtracker, i get the error: "Autodetecting OPL3 interface at 260h ... not responding!"
possibly its trying to detect the opl chip on the audigy2? if so, how would i find the port of the second soundcard?
if anyone can help, or point me in the right direction anyway.

hseiken, musician from usa. Monday, 20th February 2006, 2:15

I enjoyed using this when i still had my old p75 running win95 with a sbpro...*sniff*...sadly, though, i'm between having a comp old enough to let adt2 control it's hardware and a comp new enough to emulate the old hardware...

glad to see you're still supporting it, though. it's a great program and certain a great sound coming out of it.

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Saturday, 11th February 2006, 9:06

Hey all,
One of VIP members of our Adlib community - nula - has a birthday today.
Let me say wishes for all us... 'Happy birthday to you, may good luck go with you, and happiness too'
also not to mention- many, many new awesome songs in AdT2 =)

seablue, opl3-geek from denmark. Monday, 23rd January 2006, 1:27

damn straight! i'll be SURE to check out this tracker! good work...^^

nim, musician from Sweden. Thursday, 19th January 2006, 0:24

Captain fruktcake! definately! I gotta get my win9x-comp working now for real!!
Hello Da!NyL!

Da!NyL, opl3-geek from Germany. Wednesday, 18th January 2006, 16:02

*woohoo* finally online and hopefully here to stay!
Greetingz to all OPL2/OPL3/SID and especially YM2149 fans!

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Wednesday, 18th January 2006, 15:24

Yo folks! I appreciate all your interest and any of your message here on Message Board,
but please try to stay within the English language. We are different nationality here,
and once - let's say - I'd start writing in Slovak, nula in Czech, encore in Swedish etc.
then this Message Board will become one mess. Thank you in advance for considering that... =)

Frukt, opl3-geek from Tutilurium Land. Wednesday, 18th January 2006, 2:16

Nim, dags för en cover på Battle Garegga nu då! :)

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Monday, 16th January 2006, 20:00

yup, won't die any sooner (or later) than it might die in your minds, guys ;)

nula/MRS, musician from Czech Republic. Monday, 16th January 2006, 15:04

nice stuff here.. hope this site won't die soon ; )

nim, musician from Sweden. Sunday, 15th January 2006, 0:44

Congratulations! A winner is you!

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Friday, 13th January 2006, 23:41

Okay ppl, it seems that we are (finally after 7 years) online :) OMG, it's quite a history now, I didn't realize how the time is passing by...

Futureprobe, musician from Sweden / Germany. Friday, 13th January 2006, 23:15

Looking good :) Nice work Encore. Looking really trackish. Me like plenty. Good luck with the site, folks!

encore, another visitor from Sweden. Friday, 13th January 2006, 22:48

testing again.

Riff, another visitor from Sweden. Friday, 13th January 2006, 22:46

Jaha ja, då skrive rman här. NU komemrjag bli berömd fast detär jag redan

encore, adlib-wizard from Swedem. Friday, 13th January 2006, 22:45

The message board is up! =)

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