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david, newbie from uk. Thursday, 8th October 2015, 2:33

>I'm not certain what you mean with muting operators.... setting operator's volume temporary to 0?

Yes, that is right! The feature is described on page 7 of the dx11 manual as 'operator on/off'


I imagine a toggle where while on the instrument screen :

ctrl + 1 sets OP1 output level to 0 / pressing again returns it to the original output level.
ctrl + 2 sets OP2 output level to 0 etc

This makes it a bit easier to for example just work on one pair of operators when making a sound or to turn off the modulators so you can get the carrier envelope just right.

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Wednesday, 7th October 2015, 21:22

@David: I'm not certain what you mean with muting operators.... setting operator's volume temporary to 0?

David, newbie from UK/Japan. Wednesday, 7th October 2015, 18:13

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions. I feel I understand the macro editor a little better now. I am working on my first song.

I have a small request. Would it be possible to add a shortcut (or 4 shortcuts I guess) to mute operators on the instrument screen? When programming the classic yamaha keyboards, there was an option to do this which I found very useful when programming 4op instruments.

If this isn't possible I totally understand but thanks for reading!

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Monday, 5th October 2015, 21:41

@Lazerbeat: Here are the answers to your questions...
1) Yes, song speed gives the number of frames (or timer ticks as you say) available for processing of pattern effects
2) Not necessarily... it's true only if you leave macro speed up factor at default (x1) value... if you increase the speed up factor, the macro timer value is increased compared to song (pattern) timer value, so there are more macro rows (or lines as you say) processed per one row in the pattern.
3) Yes, but to be precise, the macro rows in FM-register table are not repeated, but advancing to next row in the table is delayed... this means, FM-registers are written only once to the OPL3 chip, at the beginning of the "duration" cycle. In principle, "duration" in FM-register table has the same meaning like "speed" in Arpeggio/Vibrato table, but it can be different for every row of FM-register table, while "speed" is common for complete Arpeggio/Vibrato table.
4) It is the same. The difference is that you can slide the frequency more quickly, if necessary, compared to pattern effects 1xx/2xx, which is especially useful for making drums in songs with higher speeds, as this wouldn't be possible with 1xx/2xx effects.
Hope that helps.... good luck with the macro instruments ;)

Lazerbeat, newbie from UK/Japan. Monday, 5th October 2015, 17:42

Hello subz3ro I have some questions about the macro editor. It seems very powerful but a little hard to understand!

1 - Just to confirm I understand, in the song variable screen, does 'song speed' decide how many 'ticks' there are per line in the tracker?

2 - Again to confirm I understand, if the song speed is 6, then 6 lines of the macro editor execute each line in the tracker, is that right?

3 - Does duration control the number of repeats each line in the macro editor executes before moving on to the next line?

4 - how is the freq slide in the macro editor different to the 1xx / 2xx commands? 1xx / 2xx have two values but the freq slide is - or + xxx so there are 3 values.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, I hope to start making interesting macro instruments soon!

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Friday, 2nd October 2015, 12:03

IMHO, having a genuine YMF262 chip onboard is still no warranty for accurate FM sound. Example is this SB 16 Vibra PnP /CT2890/ sound card (http://mail.lipsia.de/~enigma/neu/pics/soundblaster_vibra16s_ct2890.jpg) which has the genuine OPL3 chip from Yamaha assembled, but the sound is really crappy due to some misstep (?) in DAC design :P
What I can recommend you is that you should try to get SB 16 model CT2830, which fulfills your requirement for having YMF262 chip (if you insist on having it), and produces really nice FM sound with very deep bass ;) If you won't insist on having the chip from Yamaha there, I would advice you to go along with any of the CT1747-equipped SB cards... :)

Matej, musician from Slovakia. Thursday, 1st October 2015, 12:01

Hello friends.

I want to buy Soundblaster 16 ISA with real YMF262. Or PCI compatible soundcard with real OPL3...
I have 18 ISA soundcards but no one is with real Yamaha chip.

I am from EU.


AnalogCustom, another visitor from Chile. Saturday, 26th September 2015, 5:58


Blaze, another visitor from USA. Tuesday, 22nd September 2015, 20:13

@Monochromatism: You have a few options, none of them simple or very user friendly:

1. The VGM file format supports YM2608 data. However I know of no trackers supporting the YM2608, which means you would have to directly write processor instructions in the VGM format.

2. You can use a pre-existing sound driver that supports it, such as PMD (https://sites.google.com/site/kajapon/), FMP (http://guu.fmp.jp/archives/493), or Mdrv2 (http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/dos/art/se018677.html?_ga=1.32624829.241947326.1436475269). These are all in Japanese, and mostly need to be run on the original hardware or emulation to work properly. They do not have trackers but MML compilers, so you need to learn each driver's MML implementation to compose songs. PMD is the easiest sound driver to use as far as I know, and it is the one I use.

On my Youtube channel I have links to a partially translated PMD MML manual, as well as songs with example code: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy8BkjyCMaTNs0Q9KCZzXjg

Good luck, and I would be happy to help with anything else.

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Monday, 21st September 2015, 10:40

@Monochromatism: No, unfortunately you don't have correct information (redirection). AT2 is no tracker for Yamaha OPNx chip family, but for Yamaha OPLx, particularly YMF262 (OPL3).

Monochromatism, newbie from America. Sunday, 20th September 2015, 23:53

Hey, I was directed to this program by a forum post claiming this to be a solution to someone's need for a YM2608 tracker. You know, to make authentic PC-98 songs. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'd like to learn.

Would what I'm asking be possible? Am I just being an idiot? I'd gladly pick up any other resources I'd be required to.

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Tuesday, 8th September 2015, 19:03

@dg: Congrats to finding yourself correct path through the FM-operators :) As to your questions about macros, this is a longer story to tell, and surely out of the scope for this message board. I would kindly ask you to join the user group on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/325024534342356/) where such user topics and experiences are discussed. I'm sure you will get answers to your questions there.

dg, newbie from uk. Tuesday, 8th September 2015, 15:28

Worked it out. Push ctrl+i to get into instrument editor, then push tab to see instrument settings, finally the ENTER button switches between operator 1 and 2. In FM mode you can tell which one is op1 or op2 by the checking whether the feedback section is highlighted or not.

This program is not very noob friendly but it's really great once you've worked out how to do things. Making up BDs (255), snares, hihats, pads, basses, bells, detuned layered pads is AWESOME.

Haven't done anything with macros yet. Can they be triggered with each note-on to cycle through a selection of notes and effects? I'm looking to cycle through parameters each bar, adding randomisation so that each time the 4 bar pattern plays it is slightly different.

For example, using pitch down effect on a bass drum of 255, can I make it so the effect chooses randomly between 240 and 270 each time the bar plays?

Also can I do automated note replacement?

.(E5 or G5 or A5) chosen at random
.(B4 or D#) chosen at random

From what I can see, macros are triggered by TIME not triggered by note-on. Right or wrong?

Thanks for your help and thanks for the great software. It is truly amazing. <3 FM synthesis.

BTW is it technically possible to run more than 1 OPL3 card on your PC in msdos?
Is it feasible to have 2 soundcards for 36 channels? 3 cards for 54 channels? 4 cards for 72 channels of FM goodness? (external mixer required of course)

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Sunday, 6th September 2015, 16:41

@dk: You are probably not looking thoroughly :o)

dg, musician from uk. Saturday, 5th September 2015, 2:59

There's only a setting for 1 envelope in the ctr+i instrument manager! Shouldn't there be settings for 2 ADSRs? 1 for carrier 1 for modulator?

FreeFull, another visitor from England. Friday, 31st July 2015, 1:01

Well, I'm not the one who named the file, it was in an archive of songs =P
255 bytes should work, since it's the max filename length on NTFS and the usual Linux file systems.
I can see how any bug relating to case sensitivity would be missed, since Windows and DOS are both case insensitive. Thanks for looking into it!

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Thursday, 30th July 2015, 11:43

@FreeFull: You often use such naming conventions for song filenames? *LOL*
Anyway, there was a limit set for 80 chars for filename in SDL version line (never thought anybody would name songs like that, though), so I set it to maximum (255 chars) now. As for the case sensitivity-related issues, this needs some more analysis from Linux maintenance specialist (Insane/Altair), I have to ask him.

FreeFull, another visitor from England. Thursday, 30th July 2015, 4:36

On Linux, AT2 refuses to load music files if the file extension is in uppercase, but works fine if it's lowercase. (The files get shown in the file selection dialog, but when selected and enter is pressed the dialog closes and nothing else happens)

Also, if the filename is too long, it won't show the extension in the file open dialog, and will refuse to open it either. An example filename with which this is a problem is:
(dlz-mind)-BBS INTRO Apollo-X Demo Resources Webpage, by Seffren-DF2 and Dalezy-DF2 (1999).amd

ijsf, opl3-geek from NL. Thursday, 11th June 2015, 15:02

@subz3ro: Understood, no harm done. I think a good compromise is that the SYNTH! version is still up for download :)

Who knows, I might reimplement the feature some day. In an ideal situation AT2 would be used to help chip musicians out there to get some real OPL3 back in their productions without too much hassle.

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Thursday, 11th June 2015, 11:08

@ijsf: I see I have to express myself in more words to overcome some confusion :) Main reason to remove it was the code merge between DOS/SDL version, and the fact that it was only done for DOS version, while I was not able to manage the new features involving classic MBOARD mode (and keybord in general) usage and test possible interferences with SYNTH! mode. Also, some UI space / shortcuts had to be handed over to NREC mode. That's why, you know :) But the user feedback was the trigger, and I was really getting sick of not able to answer questions why this-and-that on this feature :) I hope you don't mind too much, bro. Still, was hell of good effort from your side - and only one (ever) feature done for Open Source by somebody else. I wish there was more stuff like that :)

ijsf, opl3-geek from NL. Thursday, 11th June 2015, 2:12

MidiSynth was pretty much a hack in order to use AT2 standalone acting as a synth with a DAW. Shame it has been removed, but I can understand why.

By the way.. I just built a AT2 PC setup with likely the best possible quality OPL3 out there. I'm running AT2 with a Yamaha YMF744 chip (AOpen AW744, PCI sound card) which, AFAIK, is one of the last OPL3-compatible chips ever made from Yamaha itself with possibly the best signal-to-noise ratio out there, as well as SPD-IF digital output. Works flawlessly and therefore seems like a perfect match for a high quality AT2 setup!

fede, another visitor from argentina. Tuesday, 9th June 2015, 21:26

great, thanks. by the way, is there a key combination to fullscreen the sdl version under linux? Thanks!

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Tuesday, 9th June 2015, 16:22

@fede: There was some simplified use of MPU401 done as a feature (called MidiSynth mode) by one member a few years back, but it's been removed due to no good user feedback to it. However, you can try it with DOS version 2.3.52 which is still available in the Downloads section.

fede, another visitor from argentina. Monday, 8th June 2015, 1:33

I just found out according to the revision history there is a MPU-401 mode in the dos version, but I can't seem to find how to activate it. I have my midi keyboard connected and working with other trackers, though. Thanks again!

fede, another visitor from argentina. Saturday, 6th June 2015, 20:21

is there a way to fullscreen the sdl version on linux? Thanks!

cyandyedcyanide, opl3-geek from outer space. Tuesday, 26th May 2015, 18:32

@Mephitus, this is the largest collection I know of: ftp://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/Ad%20Lib/

Mephitus, listener from USA. Tuesday, 26th May 2015, 0:07

where can one find a HVSC-like adlib music collection? does such exist? the music that comes with adtrack2 is great but i want more!

PS.. the cover of 'ghosts and stuff' by 'deadmau5' made by oxygenstar put a smile all over my face lol...

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Monday, 25th May 2015, 22:10

@d13f00l: Hmm, good point. Never thought of being necessary to set it for standalone player too. Will improve this in next version.

d13f00l, coder from USA. Wednesday, 20th May 2015, 3:58

Ok - setting OPL_LATENCY in the INI file does work, but only for the tracker, not the player!

d13f00l, coder from USA. Tuesday, 19th May 2015, 10:34

Having trouble with ADT2PLAY.EXE - Try an A2M file - it freaks out after a few seconds. Happens with two different sound cards with the hardware chip. It's win98 7.1 dos, but booted straight to dos.
If you do try it, please queue a sapi midi after to stop the horrible noise...

cyandyedcyanide, opl3-geek from Magna Frisia. Saturday, 9th May 2015, 19:08

Hey guys, I made a subreddit for Adlib Tracker! There's nothing there yet, but with your help we could turn it into a nice place to post your best tracks and share your favourite FM tricks. Check it out: http://www.reddit.com/r/adtrack2/

ToriH, another visitor from netherlands. Tuesday, 5th May 2015, 20:29

Ok thanks for the info, i meant indeed the amount of actual used data in existing modules. I will take a look in the Song Variables window.

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Tuesday, 5th May 2015, 16:31

@ToriH: Don't know if I get your question in correct way.... as either you might want to know how much of this data is used in some of the existing modules you want to port/convert, or you want to hear some procedural description how to do this in any module. For the first case, I would refer you to Song Variables window, where this information is always visible. For the latter case, this is not possible to describe easy, but if you have some level of knowledge in Pascal, it's very easy to distinguish from the source code - just refer to procedures "count_order", "count_patterns" and "count_instruments".

@Darkhog: I suppose you are member Dariusz G. Jagielski from AT2 user group on FB, so all the related points/answers are already there....

Darkhog, newbie from Poland. Tuesday, 5th May 2015, 0:38

Any chances for "proper" win32 port of adlib tracker? I mean with menus and easy interface, preferably similar to either FamiTracker or OpenMPT?

ToriH, another visitor from netherlands. Sunday, 3rd May 2015, 23:16

Hi, i'm trying to port the .a2m module format to a platform with just a limited amount of memory (for replaying only). For that i'm looking for a way to keep the module as compact as possible when saving i.e. put only in the data that is actually needed. For a number of structures this (like the macro_table) this is easy since it contains a length attribute, this already saves up to about half the expanded file size. Is there an easy way to determine the number of actual used data like instruments and instrument macros as well?

Btw: I think you did a very great job with this program!

maggan, musician from sweden. Sunday, 12th April 2015, 9:13

your program is awesome!

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Wednesday, 1st April 2015, 15:27

@dave: Unfortunately for you, AdT2 is not supporting output for more than 1 port (Adlib). It also doesn't feature any MIDI control.

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Tuesday, 31st March 2015, 14:30

@Nic: Yeah, this is already known "bug" with the NUMPAD keys for effect row in ver.2.4.20/2.3.53. It's already fixed.
If it's so annoying that you can't wait for the final release, here are the beta versions for download (only replace proper package content with files included in the ZIP archive :)

dave, newbie from switzerland. Saturday, 28th March 2015, 1:24

Hi there just some random question I am wondering about right now: I bought 3 Soundblaster 16 (CT1740) and a PC with enough ISA ports a year ago. The stuff is laying around as I didn't have the time. Now I was just brainstorming about the hardware and what I can do with it. I was wondered if it is possible to add all the cards into one PC and control them with a tracker? Or do I have to make 3 PC builds and sync them? Can adlib tracker be controled by MIDI over gameport? Probably all n00b questions, but as long I dont have the space to get this stuff started, brainstorming and asking the Pros some questions is all I can do... greets, dave

Nic, musician from Argentina. Tuesday, 24th March 2015, 21:23

@subz3ro: Hey! I'm having so much fun with this tracker that it's almost overwhelming, a stellar find for me. Having said that, I've been using the Adlib Tracker II SDL (Windows) ver. 2.4.20, and for some reason when I try to input the "0" effect (arpeggio) it doesn't type anything and goes down a line. BUT, if I just input a number on the 2nd or 3rd row of the effect column, the "default" effect is 0 and it's the only way I found to gain access to it. Not sure if it's a bug or working as intended, but anyway :) Cheers!

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Friday, 9th January 2015, 4:02

@cyandyedcyanide: Please send me your contact (mail, Facebook, ICQ) to my email address. I'd like to discuss more things with you, which is out of the scope for this message board :) Thanks.

cyandyedcyanide, opl3-geek from Fryslân. Friday, 9th January 2015, 3:43

Awesome, thanks! That was incredibly fast.
For the high-res screen modes, how about 100x37, 132x28 or 132x30? Those are fairly "standard" text modes with all 8x16 characters. I think there's a 160-column mode with 8x16 font too.

I also have some ideas for new features, if you don't mind. In fact, every time I use adtrack2 I always get all sorts of ideas for cool features, more so than musical ideas... But I always keep forgetting to write them down and ask you about it. Oh well, here are a few, let me know what you think of it :)
- For the new track reorder function, I think cut/copy/paste would be useful, like in the pattern reorder window.
- In the instrument remap and transpose windows you can select which parts to change (block/track/pattern/song). Would it be possible to add an option to apply it to one track in all patterns?
- In the instrument editor, I think a diagram of the current 4op mode in the screen corner would be useful, so you can quickly tell which operator you're editing. And maybe a shortcut key to go to the other "half" of the selected 4op instrument?

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Friday, 9th January 2015, 1:39

@cyandyedcyanide: Ok, got all your issues fixed. Please update with latest build of the program from Downloads section. Thanks for your valuable bugreport.
P.S. Changing text-mode screen font to anything lower than current 8x16 would completely cripple the look of the tracker, so unfortunately not.

cyandyedcyanide, opl3-geek from Fryslân. Thursday, 8th January 2015, 21:48

or 132x60, even better, but I think you already said you didn't want to use an 8x8 font...

(and please excuse me misspelling your name...)

cyandyedcyanide, opl3-geek from Fryslân. Thursday, 8th January 2015, 21:26

@subzer0: Whoa, you replied already! Didn't see that...

With 4op tracks I just select two 2op instruments, as usual, and playing some notes in the instrument editor works normally. But entering notes in a pattern seems broken, the right track works correctly but the left track always picks instrument 01.
This used to work like a year or so ago, I think it broke in an update somewhere around the summer.

The VESA modes seem useless to me.. Even with 1000mhz and a seriously fast graphics card and write-combining cache it's really slow. Can't you make it use 132x30 text mode instead?

cyandyedcyanide, opl3-geek from Fryslân. Thursday, 8th January 2015, 21:16

Just noticed something else.. Better post it before I forget! If you jump back/forward with +/- keys while playing, the next pattern doesn't start on row 0 but somewhere between 3-8 instead.

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Thursday, 8th January 2015, 21:13

@cyandyedcyanide: Thanks for feedback. Indeed there is UI problem with ~xy command in 2nd effect column. Must fix that. As for the 4op issue - I didn't notice anything like that... can you be more specific what you are doing and how is the behavior changed compared to previous version??? For 4op tracks you have to select 2 instruments (with Space) in Instrument Control panel, I hope you know that.
As for the high-res screen modes, this is supposed to work exactly as it is (screen port within 90x30). If you want higher screen resolution, you have to use VESA and text-mode emualtion instead (screen_mode being 4 or 5), but be aware this requires pretty much CPU power.

cyandyedcyanide, opl3-geek from Fryslân. Thursday, 8th January 2015, 20:45

Hey :)

Latest updates add some amazing features, especially alt-shift to toggle upper tracks is extremely useful (I've been meaning to ask you about this but never did so...). Great work, thanks!
The track rearranging seems useful too but I think it does exactly the opposite of what I'd expect it to.

I did notice some bugs too:
- 4op note entry seems broken, left track always picks instrument 01 now.
- fine vibrato effect (~xy) breaks the UI. Not since the latest version, it's been like that for as long as I can remember.
- the new high-res screen modes don't seem to work, it's still the same 90x30 resolution but half the program is off-screen now?
And for some reason, adtrack2 crashes on startup now when I boot with UMBPCI+XMGR. Doesn't happen with HIMEMX+JEMM386... But then that might just be my PC since I upgraded adtrack2 right after installing a new mainboard and some other stuff.

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Thursday, 8th January 2015, 4:57

Yo folks! I would like to ask YOU - who have already encountered crashes with DOS version 2.3.53 - please re-download build from 01-07-2015 (already updated in Downloads section), try continue your work with this one and leave some feedback about it (if crashes appear no more, or they still do, ... etc.). For me it looks like I've finally found the root cause of these crashes so I made a fix (I was not able to reproduce past crashes anymore), but this can be only me. Thanks in advance ;)

subz3ro, coder from Slovakia. Wednesday, 31st December 2014, 3:43

@naku: Already fixed with today's builds of DOS/SDL version. Please re-download the program package. Thanks.

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