The following screenshots are showing different areas of the program...

- Pattern Editor - A song is created on patterns, which are then put in order.

- Instrument Control - Load, edit, name and save your instruments.

- Instrument Editor with preview - Programming of FM-instrument starts here.

- Macro Editor - Explore yet unknown areas of your OPL3 chip.

- Song Variables - General settings and variables for your song.

- Block operations and clipboard is used for more convenient work.

- Help Screen - Always easily available.

- All instrument macro information is accessible at one place.

- Adding different Arpeggio/Vibrato macros to your instrument is now easy.

- Working with 4OP instruments is possible within instrument banks too.

- Debug Info - All necessary stuff about OPL3 registers can be followed here.

- Volume Analyzer section at the bottom of screen - FM-sound being visualized.